Polished diamond buyers

Polished diamond buyers

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How do I enter a contract for the wholesale purchase of polished diamonds?

Document templates

Potential buyers (partners) must comply with the requirements as follows:

  • transparency and availability of the information about potential buyers (partners) and their activities, including: transparency of the corporate management structure, availability of the information about shareholders, management bodies;
  • reliability, financial stability, due performance of duties and obligations, operations in keeping with the rules of corporate liability for complying with the industry standards;
  • reliable business reputation of the company and its management on the market;
  • no reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy procedures pending against the company or the grounds therefor;
  • activity of the company is not suspended in compliance with the procedure established by the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation or legislation of other states;
  • no violation of civil, tax, customs or other legislation recognized by the market conjuncture and production committee as substantial.


Who can sign a contract for wholesale purchase of polished diamonds?
Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign states can sign contracts for wholesale purchase of polished diamonds. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs registered under the legislation of the Russian Federation, located on the territory of the Russian Federation, holding certificates of special purpose registration issued by the territorial inspections of assay supervision, and (pursuant to the legislation of the Russian Federation) entitled to deal in precious stones, are deemed the companies—buyers of the internal market of the Russian Federation. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs established and registered under the legislation of a foreign state, and located outside the Russian Federation, appertaining to the participant—state of the Kimberley Process and (pursuant to the legislation of these states) entitled to deal in precious stones, are deemed the companies—buyers of the external market of the Russian Federation.
What are the requirements for potential wholesale buyers of polished diamonds?
Potential buyers of polished diamonds (partners) must meet the following requirements:
  • Transparency and availability of information about potential buyers (partners) and their activities, including: transparency of corporate management structure, availability of information about shareholders, management bodies
  • Reliability, financial stability, due performance of duties and obligations, operation in keeping with the rules of corporate responsibility for complying with the accepted standards
  • Reliable market business reputation of the company and its management
  • No pending reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy procedures, or grounds arising
  • No activity of the company suspended in compliance with the procedure stipulated by the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation or legislation of other states
No violation of civil, tax, customs or other legislation recognized as substantial by the Market Conjuncture and Production Committee
What documents should we submit to be considered for a contract for wholesale purchase of polished diamonds?
Potential buyers (partners) from outside the market of the Russian Federation should submit the following documents to ALROSA:
  • DIAMONDS ALROSA Questionnaire
  • Consent to personal data processing together with passport copy
  • Company registration documents (certificate, trading license, etc.)
  • Extract from the trade register of the country of registration or other equivalent proof of legal capacity in accordance with the legislation of the country of registration
  • Reference from the bank, not more than 1 (one) month old
  • Power of attorney for persons authorized to negotiate and sign documents on behalf of an economic entity
When examining applications, ALROSA’s Market Conjuncture and Production Committee considers the relationship history of the company with ALROSA Company. When appropriate, potential buyers (partners) must notify DIAMONDS ALROSA about all the changes in the submitted documents within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the day of change.
What are the grounds for refusal to sign a contract for wholesale trade in polished diamonds?
A wholesale purchase contract with a potential customer can be refused if:
  • No documents or information were submitted
  • Forged documents or deliberately misleading information were submitted.
  • USO of ALROSA branch or other ALROSA’s divisions refused to enter the company in the list of potential buyers
What is the postal address for applications and documents?
Address: 12, ulitsa Smolnaya, 125493, Moscow, Russian Federation. Phone: +7 (495) 777-0941, +7 (495) 777-0946. Fax: +7 (495) 777-2966, +7 (495) 777-1080. Email: MarakinaNA@alrosa.ru or brilliance@alrosa.ru


Как купить бриллианты в розницу? - тут должен быть текст на английском, он задается в админке

Ознакомиться с Прайс-листом на текущую коллекцию сертифицированных бриллиантов Позвонить по номеру +7-495-777-2967 или +7-495-777-1087 или отправить письмо на электронную почту diamond@alrosa.ru или NosyrevaSG@alrosa.ru и получить консультацию специалиста по выбору бриллиантов Сделать заявку на покупку конкретного бриллианта

Document templates

тут тоже должен быть текст на английском, он тоже задается в админке
  • Транспарентность и доступность информации о потенциальном покупателе (партнёре) и его деятельности, в том числе: «прозрачность» структуры корпоративного управления, доступность информации об акционерах, органах управления;
  • Надёжность, стабильное финансовое положение, надлежащее исполнение своих обязательств и обязанностей, деятельность в соответствии с правилами корпоративной ответственности за соблюдением принятых в отрасли стандартов и норм;
  • Положительная деловая репутация на рынке фирмы и её руководства;
  • Отсутствие в отношении фирмы процедур реорганизации, ликвидации или банкротства или оснований для их проведения;
  • Отсутствие административного приостановления деятельности в порядке, предусмотренном Кодексом Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях или законодательством других государств;
  • Отсутствие нарушений гражданского, налогового, таможенного или иного законодательства, признанных конъюнктурно-производственной комиссией существенными;
  • Отсутствие негативной информации о хозяйствующем субъекте, руководстве, учредителях-выгодоприобретателях и бенефициарных владельцах и сведений об их причастности к экстремистской деятельности или терроризму в Федеральной службе по финансовому мониторингу РФ.


Subcontracting on cutting and polishing of rough diamonds is carried out by the DIAMONDS ALROSA, a division of ALROSA Company

How to apply for subcontracted cutting and polishing of rough diamonds

Document templates

Potential buyers (partners) must comply with the requirements as follows:

  • transparency and availability of the information about potential buyers (partners) and their activities, including: transparency of the corporate management structure, availability of the information about shareholders, management bodies;
  • reliability, financial stability, due performance of duties and obligations, operations in keeping with the rules of corporate liability for complying with the industry standards; reliable business reputation of the company and its management on the market;
  • no reorganization, liquidation or bankruptcy procedures pending against the company or the grounds therefor;
  • activity of the company is not suspended in compliance with the procedure established by the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation or legislation of other states;
  • no violation of civil, tax, customs or other legislation recognized by the market conjuncture and production committee as substantial.


What are the grounds for refusal of signing a contract for cutting and polishing of rough diamonds on the subcontracting basis?
Potential partners from outside the market of the Russian Federation should submit the following documents to ALROSA:
    • ALROSA DIAMONDS Clients Registration Data
    • Reference from your bank, not more than 1 (one) month old
    • Consent to personal data processing
    • Power of attorney for the persons authorized to carry on negotiations on behalf of a company—potential buyer
    • Where appropriate, potential buyers (partners) must notify DIAMONDS ALROSA about all the changes in the submitted documents within 7 (seven) calendar days from the day of change
When examining applications, ALROSA’s Market Conjuncture and Production Committee considers the relationship history of the company with ALROSA Company. If the company is already a customer of the USO of ALROSA branch, and has passed the relevant inspections, the company can be entered in the list of potential buyers (partners) after the appropriate confirmation is obtained from the branch.
What is the postal address for applications and documents?
Address: 12, ulitsa Smolnaya, 125493, Moscow, Russian Federation. Phone: +7 (495) 777-0941, +7 (495) 777-0947. Fax: +7 (495) 777-2966, +7 (495) 777-1080. E-mail: boguslavskiyav@alrosa.ru or brilliance@alrosa.ru
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